Hi all – Welcome to my Universe of Adventures. My name is Adventure Brett and I am a Michigan based blogger. I am pretty much a Michigan based everything at this moment. What does that mean? Well, I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I am involved with a lot and I never want to give up any of it. No joke! You’ll soon find out as I am inviting you into my interests.
First things first, maybe I should talk a bit just about my personal life. I am an adventurer who is married (my wife’s name is Hayley, check out her blog at lifeofhayley.com). We have two amazing fur-babies, Lucy; a ten year old dilute Calico cat and Oscar; a brindle Dachshund mix. I work as a regional trainer for an airline contractor which keeps me busy but it also gives me a rather flexible schedule. This flexible schedule certainly helps with all of my hobbies and interests. Sometimes, I do just prefer a night in though.
I graduated from Western Michigan University with Honors. I have two Bachelor of Science Degrees, one in Aviation Science & Administration and another in Geography (with a focus on Economic & Regional Geography). I minored in General Business (but took a lot of HR, Management and International Management classes). I bet you’re thinking “wow, Aviation & Geography. We identified the interests”. Well, trust me when I say, that is just the beginning! I invite you to come and check out my Universe of Adventures. I have more than one and one may be something you are extremely interested in. Even if you aren’t, maybe my posts will pique your interest and convince you that maybe this is something you can begin to like.

So, why the name “Universe of Adventures”? Simple! I am inviting you in to several different worlds within my universe. These worlds have their own adventures, but all run parallel to eachother, and, at some points, even interact. I invite you to explore the following worlds:
World of Aviation – Yes, Aviation is a big passion of mine. I mean, it was one of my majors after all. I grew up around aviation and fell in love with it at a very young age. In fact, everyone in my family loves aviation. I began flying at the age of 16 and have never looked back. While I decided to pursue a career in the business side of aviation/the airlines and decided not to fly for the airlines, I am still heavily involved with the industry in multiple ways (Subscribe to this blog and find out in a later post why I decided not to fly for the airlines). Besides being a trainer for a regional airline contractor, I am also heavily involved with the Air Show Industry and many air shows across the Midwest. I also cover a handful of them with photography & video (depending on how busy I am at them and my role at the show). You’ll be able to find an up-close view at some of the best aviation events in the country via my “World of Aviation”. But, I won’t stop there! I’ll also show you some amazing airports, some historic warbirds, some of the World’s Best Aviation Museums and much more! If you have any interest in anything that flies, then you’ll want to make sure you follow this topic!

World of Travel – So, I majored in Geography and work for the airlines. I must love to travel then right? You betcha! I’ve already traveled to many interesting places and I will cover those in this topic in the future. In addition, I have many other trips planned. I love traveling to different places and trying out new things. I love seeing other cultures, the history of places, and definitely the food! Follow my adventures as I travel the world! It may give you ideas of your own when it comes to trip planning.

World of Amusement – Not only do I love traveling, but I also love traveling to amusement/theme parks. Roller Coasters and Amusement Parks are a huge hobby and passion of mine! I got hooked on roller coasters at a young age and was an avid player in the late 90s of PC Games such as RollerCoaster Tycoon, SimCoaster, SimThemePark and more! I am a physics geek that absolutely loves amusement rides. In this topic, follow me as I visit some of the largest and smallest amusement parks. My Ride Warrior Self will brave the tallest and fastest coasters, riding the most supercharged of rides….but then calming down as I take in a show. From amusement parks/theme parks to Mega Malls, Arcades and Tourist Traps, you’ll get a look at some fun places around the globe and even some speculation for the future. We’ll also dive into what makes the amusement industry work and why it is so popular. And yes, I still am an avid amusement park PC gamer, utilizing both Theme Park Studio for designs and playing Planet Coaster (surprisingly, I have not really gotten into NoLimits).

World of Brews – I love beer! Plain and simple. Michigan is one of the Microbrewery capitals of the world. Between the cities of Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids alone, Michigan has more microbreweries per capita than almost any other state (and that doesn’t include other microbreweries. The State as a whole is just amazing). I think this has a large influence on why I love beer so much. At any rate, join me as I travel the world and try out the best beer out there! From brewery tours, to tastings, to rare bottles of beer, I’ll cover it all here! But wait….THERE’S MORE! Did I mention that I brew my own beer with a friend of mine and my father-in-law? While we won’t divulge our secrets (no recipes, sorry guys), you’ll be able to follow along in the brewing process as we create some tasty beer!

World of Weather – Ok, I love aviation and I also live in the Midwest….that’s a combo for loving weather. I have self-taught myself a lot over the last two decades when it comes to weather and I have even taken numerous classes on it. Weather is a severe passion of mine. I love researching it, predicting it, and talking about it. Under this “world” we will discuss upcoming forecasts in real time, take a look back at weather of the past, and discuss theories on how our weather works and constantly changes. Meteorology is such a fun science that is ever-evolving. We are always learning something new. Weather influences our every day life, it is important to discuss and learn.

World of Sports – Of course, I love sports. I am a die-hard Detroit sports fan and have been my entire life. I love the Detroit Lions and Detroit Tigers so much (though I like the Cubs, and I am allowed to, they don’t play the Tigers that often and are in different leagues). I, obviously, also like the Red Wings & Pistons. Of course, a lot of people say being fans of Detroit sports comes with disappointments, and sometimes I agree. However, we have had our days and I continue to love each team. Outside of that, I played football & baseball for a majority of my life and love to play pickup games for other sports often still. Anyway, this category will discuss the individual seasons and teams, including speculation and predictions (more like hopeful wishes). This category won’t have has many updates but will when important events occur.

With that, I welcome you to the fun! We’ll have tons of fun discussions moving forward and I am looking forward to sharing my experiences with you. In the meantime, while I am still building this up, feel free to come follow me and interact with me on the following social media channels (you’ll be able to get real time updates by following)
–YouTube: Universe of Adventures (Tons of videos will be uploaded to view. From trip videos, to discussions, to documentary style productions plus much much more! Make sure you subscribe and click the bell to get notified when I upload new content).
-Facebook: www.facebook.com/universeofadventures (Live postings from adventures)
-Instagram: www.instagram.com/universeofadventures (following along live on adventures)
-Twitter: www.twitter.com/universeofadv (for quick updates)
-TikTok: AdventureBrett (mostly quick videos with some live travel updates, but mostly some hilarious videos you won’t find on my other channels) *COMING SOON*
–Untappd: @brettbeeradventure (for you Beer Lovers…follow along as I rate the beers I drink)
I look forward to seeing more of you as you join be on my adventures. Thank you all and see you soon!
Adventure Brett
NOTE: These posts are in no way affiliated with any brewery, travel company, amusement entity, sports franchise, restaurant, meteorological office, event or anything of the sort. Author may be involved with an event or business (in which it will be stated) or may also have stake (such as stock or unit holdings) in such company, which will also be disclosed. The posts here are not related to any such entity and are the viewpoints of the author only.
This site and any related content is copyrighted to Universe of Adventures and the author. No photos, videos or content may be reproduced or used without strict written permission from the author or creators. Some photos and videos may be embedded from other sites (and proper credit given), these will be noted. Those photos, videos and related entities are copyrighted to their original owners and may also not be reproduced or used. All other photos and videos are solely owned by Universe of Adventures. Universe of Adventures, any partners, and any sites linked to here are released of any liability from the user reading this site. This site is published for entertainment purposes only. Subscribing will result in you receiving emails whenever a new post goes live. No spam.