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What Are My Plans & Goals With This Blog?

Hello all!

Long time, no post. Things have gotten really hectic and I kind of had to push all of this to the side for a bit (even though I have been working behind the scenes on some upcoming content). As you all remember from my first post (and if you haven’t read it yet, check it out) that a blog/YouTube channel is something I have been wanting to do for awhile. I finally got the gears in motion in Late-March and launched in early April (I mean, at the time, I had all of the time in the world to dedicate to it).

Fast forward to now, and things have kind of stagnated a bit for me here. With people returning to work, work for me has picked up and I have had to spend a lot more time focusing on the projects I have to get done. I’m working on finding the balance between my blog, my work life, and my personal life. My wife, who blogs as well, has always told me that a blog needs to be treated like a job, even if you don’t plan on monetizing it. I will eventually get to the point where I’ll have a specific timeline in place and it will be consistent. You’ll be able to count on posts and videos going up at the same time on the same days of the week.

Now, moving on from that, as I adjust to continue to build my brand and be more consistent, I figured I would share what my goals and plans are. I’m sure many people ask “why start a blog?”. The short answer to that is, I’m already doing what I’m doing, might as well share the experiences. But, we’ll go a bit more in-depth below.

Many people start a blog in hopes to make money somewhere down the road. While that would be nice (and I certainly wouldn’t turn it down if I ever make it there), that was never the main intention with my blog. Honestly, I feel like I live a fairly interesting life and I am involved with a lot (as well as having many hobbies). I just want to share my passions with everyone. As someone who participates in theater, there’s nothing I love more than performing. This, in a way, is my way of “performing”. I get to share my experiences and, who knows, maybe I’ll inspire someone else to take that trip, write a blog of their own, or just step outside of their comfort zone and try something new. That’s really what I want to do. I want people to see inside of all of my hobbies, the trips I’ve taken, the things I have done, and be inspired to try something new. Sure I cover a lot of bases on this blog, but everything can almost be tied together too.

My goals are simple, really. Continue to grow and continue to create new content. I’m inviting you all into my universe. It doesn’t matter which “world” you want to check out. I just hope you find everything interesting, fun and maybe, just maybe, you’ll decide “hey, I may want to try that activity” or “hey, I want to visit there one day”. Maybe you never even thought about checking out one of my other “worlds” and you follow me just to see one of them. Maybe checking out another one may pique your interest and, before you know it, you have a new hobby. I also want an open line of dialog. If you have any questions or see something you think is cool, just leave a comment. I will gladly have a discussion with you.

Another goal I have is to collaborate with many other bloggers/YouTuber’s. Besides my wife, I have many other blogger/YouTube friends across my hobby spectrum (with some overlapping, just like mine). Collaborations are not just a way to build a base, but a way that everyone can enjoy their hobbies together as well. As I continue to create new content, I do plan to work with many others out there.

Lastly, going hand-in-hand with the above paragraph, I don’t want this all to be about “me”. This isn’t a personal blog. There is a reason why my name isn’t in the title or a part of the brand. I want this to be more than just “my adventures”. As you’ll see, many people take part in my adventures. They’ll be featured here and I would love to have other people come in and post in the future as well. To put it simply, this is just all about a passion for beer, food, travel, amusement parks, airplanes, air shows, weather and the like. I want everyone to share their stories and I want people to feel like they’re a part of the adventure.

That’s really why I started this blog. To share my experiences and hope that you share yours as well.

I have decided (even though that this is posted on a Saturday) that every Sunday I’ll post something just about the blog. Whether it be where I am presently at with it, more goals, or even just more on the backstory of how the blog came about. This way, I can stay true to myself with the goals and plans of the blog.

I hope everyone is staying safe out there and I can’t wait for this all to be over with so we can all venture out and do what we love again. No matter what it is. Go out and enjoy your life.

Until next time, thank you for reading and I hope to see you around.

Adventure Brett

P.S. Don’t forget to follow on the Social Media channels. I’ll continue to build them up as I move forward to content (and you’ll be seeing some stories live as well):
-Facebook: www.facebook.com/universeofadventures
-Instagram: www.instagram.com/universeofadventures
-Twitter: www.twitter.com/universeofadv
-YouTube: www.youtube.com/universeofadventures
-TikTok (yeah, I’ll post a stupid thing every now and then. Right now I have one dumb video uploaded. I’m sure many more dumb ones will follow): www.tiktok.com/@adventurebrett
-Untappd: Follow @brettbeeradventure

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